Vloggers / Podcasters

Sound Like a Pro with Sound Shark
Many struggle to capture clear audio for their video blogs and podcasts. Bad audio can quickly turn away viewers, so it's essential to have good audio.
The Sound Shark turns a lapel microphone, which you probably already have, into a versatile tool for audio capture. Simply install the lapel microphone into the Sound Shark in seconds, and you can now place it on a desk several feet in front of one or more speakers. This will capture audio similar to having each speaker wear a microphone but with only one microphone required and a wider field of view possible.
The Sound Shark also eliminates the typical problems with lapel microphones, such as clothes rubbing against the mic, RF interference, and battery failures. Additionally, speakers can be captured even if they are not speaking directly to the microphone, with much less audio drop-off as the speaker turns their head.

Wildlife Videographer Relies on his Sound Shark
Acclaimed Wildlife Videographer Christian Sasse says, “I was looking for a director mic for interviews and my research led me to Sound Shark, which has all the features for my varied shoots. I ordered it just one day after discovering its benefits, and I’ve been happy with it ever since. It’s the perfect solution.”
Capture Sound
National Geographic Explorer, and Fullbright Fellow, Robert A Boyd III (@boydrb3) used a Sound Shark to capture audio for his project in Barbados. He recorded this introduction of his project using his Sound Shark mounted on top of his camera 3 to 5 feet in front of him. #fulbright #natgeoexplorer
The Beaver Family
Nature photographer Eric Williamson shared this video (vlog) he created. All audio was captured using his Sound Shark.
Have you used a Sound Shark in a unique way to record vlog videos? Share your story with us, and we will send you a Sound Shark T-shirt!