Sound Shark makes the gift list…

Christmas may have passed us by, but if you’re looking for the perfect birthday or graduation gift for the filmmaker in your life, these holiday lists may give you some inspiration yet. We were honored that Sound Shark was selected for both!
PhotographyTalk’s Best Gifts for Photographers Under $500 and 10 Can’t-Miss Stocking Stuffers listed the Sound Shark parabolic mic as one of “The Best Gifts for Photographers Under $500” and a “10 Can’t-Miss Stocking Stuffer Ideas” for its ability to capture audio from greater distances than a shotgun microphone and with greater directionality. The editors said, “[Sound Shark] also allows dialogue to be captured without having to mic up the speaker. Normal conversations can be recorded from up to 30 feet – more in quiet environments! A Sound Shark parabolic microphone 30 feet away from the source provides approximately the audio level as a standard microphone 5 feet from the same source. A Sound Shark located 6 feet from a speaker provides approximately the same audio as a lapel microphone worn by the speaker. All of this is accomplished using a standard lapel (lavaliere) microphone and can be used with any device that has a microphone input.”

StudentFilmMakers Holiday Gift Guide
Check out page 27 and 28 of the December 2016 edition (Volume 11, No. 4) for StudentFimMakers’ take on why the Sound Shark mic makes an ideal holiday or anytime gift, along with other inspired ideas. Priced at $285, users find Sound Shark provides remarkable sound quality and reach without breaking the bank.

Bringing the Distant Near & Keeping Your Vision Clear.

Can Your Mic Reach As Far Your Lens?