General Audio Questions

Application Questions

What Is Reflected Sound and Why Should I Care?

By Paul Terpstra

Sound Shark long-range mic used with mirrorless (DSLR) camera

A reflected sound wave is one of two situations, an echo or a reverberation. Both of these reflected sounds are not normally acceptable sound waves for your recordings.

The Sound Shark collects all the sound directly in front of it and focuses that sound onto your microphone. It does not know that you only want the sound within the first 10 feet, for example, to be heard. It also doesn’t know if that sound is bouncing off a flat surface on its way to the Sound Shark.

The point is that sound can bounce off of a smooth surface into your Sound Shark. For example if the surface is a smooth, flat, reflective surface parallel to the face of the Sound Shark, a sound coming from behind can bounce off of that surface and back into your Sound Shark.

The best way to reduce or eliminate the reflected sound is to point your Sound Shark in a way that there are no flat surfaces parallel to the face of the Sound Shark. This can be accomplished on camera but also consider the set up that allows the Sound Shark on it’s own stand. If you watch the video about Will Crockett’s Sky Deck Project you will see that Will points the Sound Shark downward at a steep angle so the noise that reflects off the flat wall is totally ignored by the Sound Shark.

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Bringing the Distant Near & Keeping Your Vision Clear.

Rain soaked version of "Sad Sam the Cameraman" mascot for KLOVER MiK parabolic microphones.
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Can Your Mic Reach As Far Your Lens?

"Sad Sam the Cameraman" mascot for KLOVER MiK parabolic microphones.
We will be closed from February 22 to February 29.  We will hold all orders until March 1 for processing.
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Bringing the Distant Near & Keeping Your Vision Clear.

Rain soaked version of "Sad Sam the Cameraman" mascot for KLOVER MiK parabolic microphones.
KLOVER MiK Stealth is a long-range surveillance parabolic microphone equipped with cutting-edge audio technology and discreet design for security and military applications.
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We will be closed from February 22 to February 29.  We will hold all orders until March 1 for processing.
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Sound Shark logo
We will be closed from February 22 to February 29.  We will hold all orders until March 1 for processing.
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Clear Vision in Seconds, No Contact Required!

"Damp Dan the Cameraman" mascot for Klear Shot lens cleaning system.
Industry Leading Technology & Safety. The Klear Shot is a user friendly, non-contact system for removing moisture or debris from a camera lens. The Klear Shot uses compressed gas to blow moisture off the surface of the lens.
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We will be closed from February 22 to February 29.  We will hold all orders until March 1 for processing.
We apologize for any inconvenience that may cause.